The Helios release is the largest release train produced by the Eclipse community, including 39 different project teams, over 33 million lines of code are released and the work of 490 committers. The release train makes it easier for users and adopters of Eclipse technology to adopt new versions of the different Eclipse projects. The Eclipse community also makes available 12 different Eclipse packages that target different types of developer usage, including Java EE developers, PHP developers, C/C++ developers and many more.
"The Helios release is another fantastic effort by the Eclipse committer community", explains Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation. "Besides the feat of coordinating such a large development effort, Helios introduces important innovations in areas such as Git support, Linux development and JavaScript support. Congratulations to everyone for another great release"
The Helios release including many new features and projects updates. Some of the highlights include:
A new Linux IDE package makes it easier for Linux developers to use an integrated tool chain for building C/C++ applications for the Linux operating system. This package includes the new Linux Tools project which includes Eclipse integrations of popular Linux utilities such as GNU Autotools, Valgrind, OProfile, RPM, SystemTap, GCov, GProf, and LTTng. A recent Eclipse Community Survey has shown increased use of Linux by developers. It is expected this package will help further accelerate Eclipse adoption in the Linux community.
Eclipse Marketplace Client provides developers an 'app-store' experience to easily discover and install new Eclipse plug-ins. Eclipse Marketplace is a catalog of Eclipse based solutions. Over 100 of these will be available from the new Marketplace Client, making it significantly easier to find and install Eclipse solutions.
Support for Git, a popular distributed version control (DVCS), is provided by the new Eclipse EGit and JGit projects. The new EGit 0.8 release includes a new Git repositories view and support for fast forward merging and tagging. JGit 0.8 - which EGit uses under the covers to talk to Git repositories - benefited from performance enhancements of up to 50% when working with large repositories.
The Web Tools Platform project has introduced support for creating, running, and debugging applications written for the latest Java EE Specifications (Java EE 6) including, Servlet 3.0, JPA 2.0, JSF 2.0, and EJB 3.1.
Improved support in the JavaScript Development Tools project (JSDT) for JavaScript developers, including a JavaScript debug framework that allows for integration of JavaScript debuggers, such as Rhino and Firebug. A new JavaScript IDE package has also been created to make it easier for JavaScript developers to find, install and use an Eclipse-based IDE.
Eclipse Xtext 1.0, a popular framework for creating domain specific languages (DSL), introduces 80 new features, including improved performance and scalability by up to 30 times previous versions. A new in-memory indexing feature makes it possible to develop more sophisticated DSL's in Xtext.
A new release of Acceleo 3.0 implements the OMG Model-to-text (MTL) specification and provides the features required for a code generator IDE. This release also provides unique tools around example-base design of code generators.
NetBeans IDE 6.9 introduces the JavaFX Composer, a visual layout tool for visually building JavaFX GUI applications, similar to the Swing GUI builder for Java SE applications. Additional highlights include OSGi interoperability for NetBeans Platform applications and support for developing OSGi bundles with Maven; support for JavaFX SDK 1.3, PHP Zend framework, and Ruby on Rails 3.0; as well as improvements to the Java Editor, Java Debugger, issue tracking, and more.
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is used to identify valid devices connected to GSM and UMTS network. This number can be accessed from a mobile phone by dialing *#06# on the keypad. IMEI is commonly use by software developers as part of software protection scheme to prevent it from being pirated.
JavaME developers however suffers from a drawback because MIDP/CLDC specification does not include an API to obtain IMEI from mobile devices. However there are few phone manufacturers included this functionality through System.getPropery() calls.
Here's how to get IMEI number from mobile devices of different manufacturers
Note ; Requires signed midlet. S60 3rd edition device does not requires signing for this to work.
Note ; might not work on all model, YMMV
Hopefully this information can aid you in your J2ME programming projects.
Quick Tip :
It's quite hard to determine the phone model/manufacturer well ahead beforehand. For a more robust solution, I suggest that you combine the above call with System.getProperty("microedition.platform").
Java Platform Micro Edition or Java ME (formerly J2ME) refers to a a collection of technologies and specifications to develop applications and games for (usually) mobile devices using Java Technology. Most of these technologies have been specified in open manner in Java Community Process by Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Motorola, Ericsson, Siemens, and others. There are many implementations available in different platforms. Nokia has internally developed Java ME implementations for both Series 40 and S60 platforms. These implementations are continually being refined with new APIs and other functionality.
Nokia phones have an extensive Java ME API set. For reference documentation, tutorials, and examples, see Nokia Java ME Developer's Library.
See also the J2ME Mindmap. MIDP 2.0 with CLDC is the common architecture found in the mass market. CDC with Personal Profile has more to offer to developers, but there aren't many devices yet with this configuration.
If you are using MIDP, you are developing MIDlets.
Java ME configurations
Connected Limited Device Configuration
The CLDC covers devices below 512k size of memory for the JVM environment and removes JNI, user-defined class loaders, some class verification items of the class verification process (the reason why we MIDlet Preverify MIDlets compiled to be deployed on CLDC devices) and reflection to fit into this small footprint. The JVM on CLDC devices is called KVM (K-VirtualMachine), nicknamed K-VirtualMachine for kilobyte. The application lifecycle concepts from javaTV and the installation concepts of javaPhone found their way into this Connected Limited Device Configuration.
Connected Device Configuration
The CDC covers devices above the 512k size of memory for the JVM environment. The garbage collector is a separate pluggable item into the CVM deployed on CDC devices. The threads are implemented not as OS specific but as fully implemented threads within the CVM and are known as Green Threads. Threads can also be implemented as OS native threads. Class file verification takes place in the CVM on the device just as in Java SE java platform on desktop systems. The JVM on CDC devices is known as a CVM or the C-VirtualMachine.
Java ME profiles
Profiles provide APIs that focus on a specific group of devices. These devices typically have the same or similar user intefaces (screen and inputs), how the device connects to the network, how the device stores data, and etc. Currently, the Profile Name indicates the Family name of this group of devices or a common functionality with this group of devcies. For example, the MIDP (MID Profile) is for the group of Mobile Information Devices. Java ME profiles are:
Mobile Information Device Profile
The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) extends and enhances the CLDC to provide a Java environment to develop applications on Mobile information appliances and voice communication devices. The versions of MIDP are:
The Foundation Profile is what can be called a vertical specification profile. A vertical specification profile specifies the targeted family of devices by memory size and the optional profiles that may plugin more functionality in addition to this profile. The GUI APIs are often Profiles plugged in on top of this Profile. Typical rich network devices include set top boxes(iTV), auto-computing(telematics), and etc.
Personal Profile
This Personal Profile provides high web fidelity to device with a rich network connection and can use the heavy weight applet classes that were part of the PersonalJava spec. While Personal Profile, JSR62, supports PersonalJava1.1.x and PersonalJava1.2.x of the PersonalJava Application Environment; Personal Profile 1.1 supports the adoption of the subset of J2SE1.4 APIs as Personal Profile 1.0 was based on the subset of J2SE1.3 APIs.
Personal Basis Profile
This Personal Basis Profile provides a basic graphical user interface, ie the AWT lighweight APIs, on top of the CDC and Foundation Profile and is considered as a subset to the Personal Profiles. This profile also provides the xlet classes required for JavaTV.
Information Module Profile
This Information Module Profile supports embedded network connected devices without a graphical user interface. This profile is a subset of the MIDP1.0 profile without the LCDUI classes of MIDP1.0. The typical devices target are modems, household devices, and industrial metering devices. While IMP is a subset of MIDP1.0, IMP-NG is a subset of MIDP2.0.
Digital Set Top Box Profile
This Digital Set Top Box Profile is a subset of JavaTV and is targeted for the smaller set top boxes that deploy OCAP. Thus, this profile differs from the javaTV(CDC, PP PBP) setup in that its on top of CLDC not CDC to support a smaller device memory foot print. However, several concepts are borrowed from the JavaTV items in Personal Basis Profile such as the xlet lifecycle.
NetBeans IDE 6.9 introduces the JavaFX Composer, a visual layout tool for visually building JavaFX GUI applications, similar to the Swing GUI builder for Java SE applications. Additional highlights include OSGi interoperability for NetBeans Platform applications and support for developing OSGi bundles with Maven; support for JavaFX SDK 1.3, PHP Zend framework, and Ruby on Rails 3.0; as well as improvements to the Java Editor, Java Debugger, issue tracking, and more.
For this example, we're going to access this .NET web service:
If you navigate there, you'll see a description of the service, and it's one method: GetQuote(String symbol). We're going to invoke that method remotely from a Java ME MIDlet.
Generating the Stub Class
We need the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) description for the service. Luckily, .NET services supply this for you is you append "?WSDL" to the URL.
The Java ME SDK contains a tool called "wscompile", that reads the WSDL data and generates a "stub" Java class. This class acts as a local proxy for the remote service. You call a method in the stub class, and it calls the remote method for you.
To generate the stub class, we need a config.xml file.
You should specify -cldc1.1 if the web service might use floats or doubles as arguments or return value.
After executing this, you should have a file (amongst others) for the class: rpcdemo.StockQuoteSoap_Stub
Add the generated classes to your project in your IDE.
Using the Stub Class
Here's a MIDlet that will invoke the GetQuote method (which wscompile has renamed getQuote(), to match the Java convention).
Since the method is remote, invoking it might be time consuming, so it needs to be done in a separate thread. Therefore, the interesting part of the following code is the run() method.
packagerpcdemo;importjavax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;importjavax.microedition.lcdui.Command;importjavax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;importjavax.microedition.lcdui.Display;importjavax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;importjavax.microedition.lcdui.Form;publicclass RpcDemo extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, Runnable{private Form form;publicvoid startApp(){if(form ==null){
form =new Form("RpcDemo");
form.addCommand(new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0));
form.setCommandListener(this);// get the data(newThread(this)).start();}
Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(form);}publicvoid pauseApp(){// empty}publicvoid destroyApp(boolean must){// empty}publicvoid commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){if(c.getCommandType()== Command.EXIT){
notifyDestroyed();}}publicvoid run(){try{// create the stub
StockQuoteSoap_Stub service =new StockQuoteSoap_Stub();// set the URL for the service
service._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "");
println("Connecting...");// invoke the remote methodString xmlResponse = service.getQuote("NOK");
println("Done.");}catch(Exception e){
println(e.toString());}}privatevoid println(String s){
form.append(s +"\n");}}
Processing the Response
The response comes back as a String, which should look something like:
The convergence of J2ME and XML is currently a handful of open source parsers. In this article you'll learn how to parse XML in a MIDP client application. I'll begin by talking about system architecture and the motivation for using XML as a data transport. Then I'll describe the available XML parsers, discuss the challenges of developing in a small environment, and present some sample code.
Multi-tier System Architecture
To understand why you might want to parse XML on a J2ME device, let's first examine the architecture of a typical multi-tier application. Multi-tier is one of those ubiquitous terms that means something different to just about everyone. I'll nail it down with a fairly specific architecture, as shown in the following figure:
Typical multi-tier architecture
The current world is web-centric, so systems are often designed with HTML browsers as the clients. The client performs very little of the application processing and functions as a fancy kind of terminal. The bulk of the application runs on server which uses a database for persistent storage.
As the wireless world began expanding, server vendors found that they could conveniently support wireless devices by adding support for WAP browsers. The underlying paradigm of the browser as front end to the application remains unchanged; the server is just serving WML over WAP in addition to HTML over HTTP.
The diagram also shows a standalone client, which could communicate with the application on the server in several different ways. The client could make HTTP connections, use RMI to manipulate remote objects, or implement a customized protocol. The chief advantage of having a standalone client in place of a browser is the chance to provide a richer user interface. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of client installation and maintenance.
Where do MIDP clients fit in this picture? Keep in mind that with MIDP devices, everything is small, and this affects their utility as application clients.
Network connection setup is slow.
Data rates are slow.
The processor is slow.
Memory is scarce.
Because of these constraints, MIDP client applications should be designed to be as small as possible. At the same time, they can feature a smooth and capable user interface that goes far beyond the user experience offered by a WAP browser.
MIDP client have one other important characteristic as compared to WAP applications; the application can run offline and make updates to the server periodically. This is especially important with wireless networks, which are slower and less reliable than the desktop network you may be accustomed to. WAP applications, by contrast, require a network connection as the user moves from screen to screen.
The following figure shows one possible implementation of a multi-tier system that supports HTML browsers, WAP browsers, standalone clients, and MIDP clients.
A multi-tier architecture with XML
The figure shows one way of supporting multiple client types. Instead of creating custom server-side code for each client type, you write generic code that returns data as XML documents. Then you create transformations (using XSLT) that change the basic XML documents into whatever is required for the client device. Once set of transformations produces HTML for desktop browsers, while another set might produce the WML to support WAP browsers.
But what kind of data do you send to the MIDP client? You send whatever you want, of course, anything from plain text to binary data. If you're using XML on the server side, however, you may consider XML itself as a data exchange format. It makes your life pretty easy on the server side, for one thing. You might be able to send your basic XML documents unchanged, or you could create some simple transformations to send a more terse XML format to the MIDP device.
Sending XML from client to server offers XML's usual advantages: the data is self-describing and offers the opportunity to loosely couple the client and server.
Sending XML to the client has another advantage. During the development cycle, you can use validating XML parsers in emulated clients to ensure that the documents the server generates are clean. By the time you try running the application on a real MIDP device, you'll be pretty sure that the data it's getting is good.
The downside of XML is that it's not a very efficient way of expressing data. On slow wireless networks, every byte counts. If you are considering XML as a data exchange format, do some testing with real devices first to familiarize yourself with the delays involved. On today's wireless networks, latency is usually more of an issue than data transfer rate, so you may notice the larger message size of XML versus a binary format.
If there's a slogan for XML parsers in the MIDP world, it might be "Don't Supersize Me." Parsers are traditionally bulky, featuring lots of code and hefty runtime memory requirements. In MIDP devices, the memory available for code is usually small and individual applications may have a maximum code size. The Motorola iDEN phones, for example, have an upper limit of 50 kB on the size of a MIDlet suite JAR file. Aside from code size, the amount of memory available at runtime is also small. What you need is a parser that's designed to be small and light.
Open source parsers are attractive because they give you lots of control. You can customize a parser if you need additional features, and you can fix the parser if it has bugs.
There are three fundamental parser types. Which type you choose depends on how you want your application to behave and what types of documents you're expecting to parse.
A model parser reads an entire document and creates a representation of the document in memory. Model parsers use significantly more memory than other types of parsers.
A push parser reads through an entire document. As it encounters various parts of the document, it notifies a listener object. (This is how the popular SAX API operates.)
A pull parser reads a little bit of a document at once. The application drives the parser through the document by repeatedly requesting the next piece.
The following table summarizes the current offering of small XML parsers that are appropriate for MIDP.
The Name and License columns contain links to the corresponding web pages and licenses. The Size column indicates the size of the class files for the parser as contained in a JAR, which is an approximation of how much size the parser will add to your MIDlet suite JAR. The MIDP column indicates whether the parser will compile without modifications in a MIDP environment. Finally, the Type column indicates the type of the parser, as discussed above.
Two parsers that did not make the list are NanoXML 2.2 Lite and XMLtp 1.7. Although both of these parsers are small, they rely heavily on J2SE APIs and would require significant effort to port to MIDP. The three parsers in the table that do not compile in a MIDP environment can be modified to do so with moderate effort.
It's fairly simple to incorporate a parser into your MIDlet suite using the J2ME Wireless Toolkit. If the parser is distributed as source code .java files, you can place these files into the src directory of your J2MEWTK project. If the parser is distributed as a .jar or .zip archive of .class files, you can place the archive in the lib directory of the J2MEWTK project. (For an introduction to the J2MEWTK and the project directory structure, see Wireless Development Tutorial Part I .)
In this section I'll describe some optimizations you can use to make your MIDlet code run well in a constrained environment. The techniques described here apply to any MIDP development, not just XML parsing. The reason I'm describing them here is because the use of an XML parser is likely to make your code significantly bigger and slower; you will probably want to optimize your application before delivering it to users.
The optimizations presented here fall into three categories:
Runtime performance
User perception
Deployment code size
Achieving good runtime performance is related to your XML document design. On the one hand, it takes a long time to set up a network connection. This means you should make each document contain as much useful data as possible. You might even want to aggregate documents on the server side and send one larger document rather than several smaller ones. On the other hand, the data transfer rate is slow. If you make your documents too large, the user will be left waiting a long time for each document to be loaded. In the end, you will need to find a balance between avoiding connection setup times and minimizing download wait times. One thing is for sure: XML documents that are sent to a MIDlet should not contain extra information. You don't want to waste precious wireless bandwidth transferring data you will only throw away.
Another way you can improve your application is to improve the user experience. This is not really an optimization--you're not making anything run faster or leaner--but it makes the application look a lot better to a user. The basic technique is simple: parsing, like network activity, should go in its own thread. (For several strategies for network threading, see Networking, User Experience, and Threads .) You don't want to lock up the user interface while the MIDlet is parsing an XML document or reading the document from the network. Ideally, you can allow the user to perform other offline tasks at the same time that network activity and parsing is occurring. If that is not possible, you should at least try to show parsed data as soon as it is available. Note that you will need a push or pull parser to accomplish this; a model parser won't give you any data until the entire document is parsed.
Finally, you may be concerned about the size of your MIDlet suite JAR. There are two reasons this might be a problem. As I mentioned, there's not much space on MIDP devices, and carriers or manufacturers may impose limits on your code size. Second, users may download your application over the wireless network itself, which is slow. Making the MIDlet JAR small will minimize the pain of downloading and installing your software.
What's in the MIDlet suite JAR, and how can you reduce its size? The MIDlet suite JAR contains classfiles, images, icons, and whatever other resource files you may have included. Assuming you've removed all the resources you don't need, you are now ready to use something called an obfuscator to cut down on the classfiles.
Not all obfuscators are equal, but an obfuscator usually includes some of the following features:
Removes unused classes
Removes unused methods and variables
Renames classes, packages, methods, and variables
Adds illegal stuff to classfiles to confuse decompilers
Features 1, 2, and 3 are fine and will reduce the size of your MIDlet suite JAR, sometimes dramatically. If you have incorporated an XML parser in your MIDlet project, there may be parts of the parser that your application never uses. An obfuscator is good for pruning out the stuff you don't need.
Watch our for feature 4. Obfuscators were originally designed to make it hard for other people to decompile your classfiles. Some obfuscators do nasty things to the classfiles in order to confound decompilers. This may mess up either the class preverifier or the MIDP device's classloader, so I suggest avoiding this feature if possible.
Two freely available obfuscators are JAX and Retroguard. Consult the documentation for features and usage.
An Example: Parsing RSS
Enough talk--let's look at some code. The example presented here is a MIDlet that parses an RSS file.
RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a simple XML format that summarizes headlines and story descriptions for a news site. Many technology news web sites have RSS files (called feeds) available. Other web sites aggregate RSS feeds from various places to present you with a customized view of the news. Meerkat is one such aggregator. The interesting thing about Meerkat is that it can provide different flavors. You can see the news as HTML or in a variety of different formats, including RSS. Think of Meerkat as a big funnel. You pour RSS feeds in the top and out the bottom comes a single aggregated RSS feed. For more information on Meerkat and its features, see Meerkat: An Open Service API.
An example of the output from Meerkat is shown below.
Meerkat: An Open Wire Service Meerkat is a Web-based syndicated content reader
providing a simple interface to RSS stories. While
maintaining the original association of a story with
a channel, Meerkat's focus is on chronological
order -- the latest stories float to the top,
regardless of their source.
Meerkat Powered! 88 31 Visit Meerkat in full splendor at
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S.E.C. Says Motorola Cant Exclude Audit Proposal
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1,900 jobs to go at mmO2
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j mmO2 plans to axe 1,900 jobs
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UPDATE 2-Sohu Q4 revenues up 15 pct on wireless services
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The root element of this document is rss, with a contained channel element. The information that interests us is in the item elements, which have title, link, and description sub-elements. The example MIDlet parses an RSS document and displays all the titles for the items it finds.
For this example, I chose to use the kXML 1.2 parser. Although it's not the smallest parser available, it has several compelling advantages:
It is designed for MIDP; no porting is necessary.
It is stable and relatively mature.
It is a pull parser, which means our application can process and display information as it is parsed, as it is being downloaded from the server. A push parser would also provide this behavior, but not a model parser.
The kXML 1.2 parser is simple to use. Just create an instance of org.kxml.parser.XmlParser and use the skip() and read() methods to move through the document. One version of the read() method returns a ParseEvent, which contains information like the name of the element or the text content of an element.
In this example, parsing is entirely contained in its own class, RSSParser, shown below.
// Non-blocking. publicvoidparse(final String url) { Thread t =newThread() { publicvoidrun() { // set up the network connection HttpConnection hc =null;
boolean trucking =true;
boolean first =true;
while (trucking) { pe =;
if (pe.getType() == Xml.START_TAG) { String name = pe.getName();
if (name.equals("item")) { String title, link, description;
title = link = description =null;
while ((pe.getType() != Xml.END_TAG) || (pe.getName().equals(name) ==false)) { pe =;
if (pe.getType() == Xml.START_TAG && pe.getName().equals("title")) { pe =;
title = pe.getText();
} elseif (pe.getType() == Xml.START_TAG && pe.getName().equals("link")) { pe =;
link = pe.getText();
} elseif (pe.getType() == Xml.START_TAG && pe.getName().equals("description")) { pe =;
description = pe.getText();
} } mRSSListener.itemParsed(title, link, description);
} else{ while ((pe.getType() != Xml.END_TAG) || (pe.getName().equals(name) ==false))
pe =;
} } if (pe.getType() == Xml.END_TAG && pe.getName().equals("rss"))
trucking =false;
} } }
RSSParser has two parse() methods. The first accepts a URL string as a parameter and sets up a separate thread for network access. It then calls the other parse() method; this method accepts an InputStream as a parameter and does the actual work.
RSSParser uses kXML 1.2 to work its way through an RSS document. As you can see, the structure of the code roughly mirrors the structure of the document, which is a hallmark of a pull parser. After finding the opening rss and channel tags, RSSParser works its way through the document. For every item tag it finds, it attempts to parse the contained title, link, and description tags. When it comes to the end of an item, it sends the information it has parsed to a listener object of type RSSListener. Every time an item is parsed, the listener's itemParsed() is called. If an exception occurs, the exception() method of the listener will be called. The RSSListener interface consists of just those two methods:
Since most of the hard work is done in RSSParser, writing a MIDlet that uses RSSParser is relatively easy. Let's look at a MIDlet, RSSMIDlet, that connects to a Meerkat feed and displays headlines. It also allows the user to view the full description for each story. The screen shots below show RSSMIDlet in action.
Screen shots from RSSMIDlet
RSSMIDlet registers itself as the listener for events from RSSParser. Every time a new item is received, RSSMIDlet adds it to a List that is displayed for the user. Controls are also provided for seeing the full description for a particular story. RSSMIDlet connects to a URL that is specified in a system property. The default value for this URL is:
This URL simply requests Meerkat to return items from profile 9 (Wireless) and to return the flavor RSS.
The full source code for RSSMIDlet is shown below. Mostly it deals with the standard details of creating a user interface. Take particular note of startApp(), where the parser object is created and started, and itemParsed(), where items parsed by the RSSParser are delivered to the MIDlet.
XML is a viable choice for data transport to J2ME devices. XML is a good choice for some applications and not for others. If you need the decoupling that XML provides, or if you want to connect to an existing service using XML, or if the data exchange between server and client must be highly structured, then XML is an excellent choice, assuming you can pay the price of including an XML parser in your MIDlet. Small parsers are readily available and performance is acceptable, assuming you are careful about the design of your documents. If necessary, you can reduce the size of your MIDlet suite JAR by using an obfuscator.